The Vega Metals Trading Inc. code of conduct for suppliers and business partners is based on social, ecological and ethical principles and principles.
Social Principles & Policies
Human rights
We expect our suppliers and business partners to respect and protect the globally applicable regulations for the protection of human rights as fundamental and generally applicable requirements. Our suppliers and business partners must at least comply with Convention 138 (Minimum Age), Convention 182 (Worst Forms of Child Labor) and Convention 105 (Abolition of Forced Labor) of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
Equal Opportunities & Non-Discrimination
We expect our suppliers and business partners to promote equal opportunities and equal treatment and to prevent discrimination when hiring employees and / or when promotion and / or granting of training and / or development measures.
No employee shall be disadvantaged because of gender, age, skin color, culture, ethic origin, sexual orientation, political opinion, disability, religious affiliation or worldview.
Our suppliers and business partners must comply with Convention 111 (Discrimination in Employment and Occupation) of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
Freedom of Association
We expect our suppliers and business partners to respect their employees' right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
Employee representatives must not be discriminated against, and their employment contract must not be terminated in retaliation for exercising employees' rights, reporting wrongdoing, participating in union activities or reporting suspected rights violations.
Our suppliers and business partners must comply with Convention 87 (Protection of the Right to Organize) and Convention 98 (Right to Collective Bargaining) of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
Occupational Health & Safety
We expect our suppliers and business partners to comply with applicable occupational health and safety laws to protect the health and safety of their employees. Suppliers and business partners shall comply with internationally recognized standards, actively work to identify and correct safety deficiencies, and continuously improve workplace conditions to ensure and protect health and safety.
Minimum wage & working hours
We expect our suppliers and business partners to pursue a fair remuneration policy that takes into account all local labor and wage laws. In the absence of statutory or collectively agreed regulations, remuneration is based on industry-specific, local collectively agreed remuneration and benefits that ensure an adequate standard of living for employees and their families. Our suppliers and business partners must comply with Convention 100 (Equal Remuneration) of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
Ecological Principles & Policies
Environmental protection
We expect our suppliers and business partners to take measures for responsible handling of the environment. The development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies must be encouraged. We expect compliance with applicable national environmental laws, regulations and standards. In the development, manufacture and use of products, as well as in other activities, the minimization of greenhouse gas emissions, the use of renewable resources and the minimization of environmental and health damage are taken into account.
Energy & resource efficiency
We expect our suppliers and business partners to use natural resources sparingly and to reduce environmental impacts in the air, on land and in water. Our suppliers and business partners contribute to the reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Waste & Recycling
We expect our suppliers and business partners to consider waste prevention, re-use, recycling as well as safe, environmentally friendly disposal of residual waste in the development, manufacturing and use phases of products and other activities.
Conflict materials
We expect our suppliers and business partners to take appropriate measures to avoid using raw materials in their products that are grown and mined in conflict or high-risk areas and that finance armed groups that violate human rights.
We expect our suppliers and business partners who manufacture or import chemical substances into the EU in quantities of more than one metric ton per year to register these substances in a central database of the REACh authority (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Chemicals).
Product safety
We expect our suppliers and business partners to comply with all applicable product safety regulations and requirements, in particular the legal requirements regarding safety, labeling and packaging of products as well as the use of hazardous substances and materials. Suppliers and business partners share knowledge and know-how with customers, their own suppliers and third parties and inform Vega Metals Trading Inc. transparently and proactively about the environmental and safety aspects of their products.
Ethical principles & policies
Legal requirements
We expect our suppliers and business partners to conduct their business ethically and fairly, to comply with all international, national and local laws and regulations applicable to their business activities, and to obtain all necessary permits.
We expect our suppliers and business partners to respect, support and comply with national and international efforts (such as the United Nations (UN) Conventions, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) or the UK Bribery Act 2010).In particular, they shall ensure that their employees, subcontractors or agents do not give, offer or accept bribes, kickbacks, improper donations or other improper payments or benefits to customers, public officials or other third parties.
We expect our suppliers and business partners not to misuse invitations and gifts to influence us. This also applies to Vega Metals Trading Inc. employees. Invitations and gifts are only granted if the occasion and scope are appropriate, i.e. they are of low value and are considered an expression of generally accepted local business practice. Suppliers and business partners also do not request or accept such inappropriate benefits.
Money laundering
We expect our suppliers and business partners to comply with the relevant legal obligations to prevent money laundering and not to engage in money laundering activities. Our suppliers and business partners only maintain business relationships with partners whose integrity they are convinced of.
Import & Export Control
We expect our suppliers and business partners to comply with all applicable laws governing the import and export of goods, services and information. Our suppliers and business partners respect applicable trade restrictions, embargoes and other restrictions.
Conflicts of interest
We expect our suppliers and business partners to base their decisions exclusively on fundamental factual criteria and not to be influenced by personal interests and relationships.
Data, Trade Secrets & Company Assets
We expect our suppliers and business partners to comply with all applicable laws for the protection of personal data of employees, customers, suppliers and other data subjects. Furthermore, the know-how, patents, trade and business secrets of Vega Metals Trading Inc. and third parties must be respected. Suppliers and business partners shall not disclose such information to third parties without the express written consent of Vega Metals Trading Inc.. We expect our suppliers and business partners to publish business data and reports on their business activities truthfully and in accordance with the applicable laws.